Online Ad Posters Wanted!
About Us & What We Do: Wealthy Affiliate is a successful internet based company specializing in connecting people who are searching for specific products, services and information with the companies/websites that offer them. We do this on behalf of thousands of companies looking for help in finding people that are searching for their particular product, service, website or information.
For instance let's say a mother is searching Google or other sites for information about putting her colic, crying baby to sleep. We would simply help her with this problem by finding the companies that offer a product designed to help babies sleep. Once we've located these companies, we place ads on Google, free classified sites, articles, emails, or one of the various simple and free methods we teach, on behalf of the company that offers the solution. Eventually this mother and other parents that search for this type of assistance will find one of our ads, articles, emails, etc. Because we have connected them with the exact solution to their problem, they are usually grateful and tend to buy. The companies we work with then pay us a portion of the sale or for just sending the person to their site!
We do this many times a day for various companies and situations like this. Thousands of companies are literally begging to work with our members because we are so effective at connecting them with the people they want. They need as much help as possible to bring people to their sites and we help them do this with our ad posting skills and training. So to a certain degree the ad posting we do is very similar to being an information finder or researcher. But most people refer to our job as internet marketing or affiliate marketing.
Usually this work at home career sounds very complicated to most work at home seekers because other companies fail to make this opportunity simple to follow. They want you to know how to build websites, write ads, harass your family and strangers, spend thousands of dollars on their magical system, etc. But Kyle and Carson (the founders of Wealthy Affiliate) have years of experience and provide their members all their knowledge and tools to simplify this job into 3 easy to follow steps that will help you make money online with internet marketing very quickly. More importantly Wealthy Affiliate members make a great deal of money with this type of career because of the one on one support and all the tools that Kyle and Carson provide.
So now that you have read about the company, you may still be wary of working with Wealthy Affiliate and internet marketing in general. You're right for feeling that way because of all the scams and companies misrepresenting what they're offering. So with that in mind, I thought it would be helpful if you saw a video I created which will show you proof of my success working with Wealthy Affiliate. I can't guarantee that you'll have the same results but you may if you decide to work with Wealthy Affiliate.
As you can see by the video, the proof is in the pudding. You can obviously make money with this company. As a someone that has been featured on the homepage of AOL for successfully being able to work at home, I feel very confident recommending Wealthy Affiliate as a company to work with!
If I can make money with them, then I know others can too.
Who Should Work With Wealthy Affiliate?
Hopefully the video was helpful and you've realized the potential income here. If so, that's great. However Wealthy Affiliate is only looking for certain type of work at home seekers:
- If You Don't Want To Be Forced To Sell Over Priced Products To Your Family & Friends, Then Wealthy Affiliate Wants You!
- If You Don't Want To Store Products in Your Closet, Garage, or Attic, Then Wealthy Affiliate Wants You!
- If You Don't Want To Attend Weekly Meetings, Then Wealthy Affiliate Wants You!
- If You Don't Want To Listen to Long Confusing & Boring Conference calls, Then Wealthy Affiliate Wants You!
- If You Don't Want To Invest In Some Bogus Get Rich Scheme or System, Then Wealthy Affiliate Wants You!
- If You're Not A Geek & Don't Know The First Thing About Creating A Website, Then Wealthy Affiliate Wants You!
In addition to all of this, You must be a self starter and independent.
The ideal candidate is willing to be trained and can follow simple step by step directions to be successful with Wealthy Affiliate.
Again Wealthy Affiliate provides you with all the training and tools you'll need. You won't need to have any technical skills like creating a website. They do it all for you. So nothing is left for you to figure out on your own.
Kyle and Carson are an email away for additional support and you will have access to other members in the program who are there to help you with
your career as an ad poster/internet marketer.
Hours: As an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate you set your own hours. They understand that people have other responsibilities such as raising your family, school, work, etc. So set hours are never imposed on you. You're not required to be on conference calls or attend weekly meetings. You log in at your convenience and post ads when you have the time. So this is a very flexible opportunity and the work can be done anywhere as long as you have access to the Internet.
You are paid monthly via check, direct deposit or The money you earn will be based on your ability to follow our simple training not by your hours.
So as long as you're able to follow simple directions, use the free tools we provide, and set aside time to post ads, you can earn anywhere from $100-$600 per month. Some of our people earn more. But we're basing our numbers on the average earnings of our associates.
Typing and data entry skills are helpful. In addition some experience would be ideal but isn't required. Wealthy Affiliate doesn't mind enrolling inexperienced work at home seekers as long as they're willing to invest the time to be trained. Furthermore you'll also need to have access to the Internet & a valid email address. And finally, you must also enroll in the Wealthy Affiliate training program which is about $1 per day ($39.99 per month). This will cover the one on one personal training, the get started guides, tools, access to companies that will work with you as an internet marketer, member forum and much more to get your work at home career started as a successful internet marketer. We know for many this will be a deal breaker. But when you consider the amount of money you'll be able to make with your work at home career as internet marketer, $1 per day is a small price to pay when your potential income will be hundreds per month. If you're willing to invest in rebate processing, data entry, or typing schemes which misrepresent themselves then you should have no problems investing in a legitimate company that is offering you the personalized support to help your work at home as an internet marketer.
Like many work at home seekers, I'm sure you have concerns about this opportunity. Many of you are just looking for a job, have little to no money to invest or just think that this opportunity will be out of your league. I understand all of these concerns because they are totally valid and I had some of them as well. So I've created a section to help answers some of these questions.
- Why would I want to get involved with internet/affiliate marketing if I could just get a work from home job that would guarantee me a consistent salary?
Great question. The only problem is that you aren't guaranteed to actually get a work at home job. There are literally thousands if not millions of people trying to secure the same jobs you're going after. The problem is there aren't enough jobs to go around to meet all the demands. Think about it, if I were wrong about this wouldn't you or everyone else be working from home? Even if you have the best skills and years of experience there are literally thousands if not millions of people with the same skills. So most work at home seekers will spend weeks, months or even years trying to get a work at home job. But 99.9% fail and end up running into scams or just giving up. With internet marketing, there are thousands of companies that are looking to work with affiliates because they need help promoting their sites, products or services. So unlike work at home jobs where there is far more need than available jobs, with internet/affiliate marketing, it's just the opposite. There are tons of companies ready to work with you right away. With Wealthy Affiliate you'll have the training so you'll be able to maximize on the amount of money you will earn with these companies . The reason that most people don't get into affiliate/internet marketing is because they think it's complicated or hard to get into. This may be true for people without the proper training, tools and personalized one on one support that Wealthy Affiliate provides you. But as a member of Wealthy Affiliate you'll learn from the best and have their personalized support and all the tools you need to get started within a few weeks.
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- Do I need to have technical skills like creating or maintaining a website?
No you don't. The great thing about being an affiliate/internet marketer for all these wonderful companies is that they provide you with your own websites for free! They also maintain the websites for you totally for free. They do this because providing you all these free tools like a website will help you succeed and makes them more money. So it only makes sense to make your job easier so you can focus on posting ads, articles, emails etc. Furthermore the free website they provide you is how they will track how much money they need to pay you. So as long as you know how to copy and paste, or type, then that's all the technical skills you need. But let's say one of the companies you worked with had a bad site and you think you could make it better with your own words. Wealthy Affiliate provides you with a free website creating tool that is like using a word processor. So you could create your own website in literally 10 minutes if you wanted to. The other great thing about wealthy affiliate is that although many of the companies you'll work with will provide you with ads to type or use, they're not always as effective which can limit your money. But as a Wealthy Affiliate member they train you on how to write better ads. You can also even ask other members to help you write a better ad or you can even email the owners Kyle and Carson and they will help you as well. So you have Wealthy Affiliate's technical expertise at your disposal for free as part of your membership.
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- Am I guaranteed to make money?
My question to you is, are you guaranteed to make money spending months or even years searching for work at home jobs that aren't available? Probably not. With that said It's highly unlikely that you won't make money if you follow the simple Wealthy Affiliate training and make use of the personalized one on one help that Wealthy Affiliate provides. But we would be lying if we said we guarantee you'll make money. Some of you will put in more effort than others. While there will be a few of you that won't make full use of the resources provided to you. So we have no way of knowing which type of person you'll be. So obviously we can't guarantee you'll make money. It's like the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't force them to drink. But in our experience, the people that follow the simple training, use the tools or take advantage of personalized help from Kyle, Carson or other Wealthy Affiliate members tend to make money within the first few weeks of being members.
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- How long Will It Take Me To Start Making Money?
Most members that follow our simple training and make use of the personalized one on one help from the owners (Kyle & Carson) and members tend to make money within a few weeks. It all depends on how fast you're able to follow the simple training provided by Wealthy Affiliate.
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- Will I be expected to spend more money after my membership fees?
No not all! Your $1 per day ($39.99/Month) membership fee provides you all you need to get started. A lot of the simple training focuses on how to make money with internet/affiliate marketing using free techniques like article marketing, posting in forums, email and a lot of other free ways. So you never have to spend money again. Keep in mind that the companies you work with will provide you with their own websites for free. We also provide you with all the free tools to help you with your work at home career as an affiliate/internet marketer. Now with that said we do also provide you with techniques how to make more money using paid options like Google's search engine but you don't have to use that. You can just use the free techniques we'll teach you as a member of Wealthy Affiliate.
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- I am concerned that once I sign up I won't know where to start or have any additional support.
I can totally relate to this! I've joined companies where they just throw you to the wolves and expect you to figure it out on your own. I've also purchased ebooks where they failed to cover something and I had no one to email with my questions. This isn't the case with Wealthy Affiliate. Once you join you'll be put on a simple and flexible 8 week plan to help you get started right away. This will keep you on pace to making money relatively quickly. Don't worry as this is flexible if something comes up with your family. The easy to follow, 8 week starter plan is just more of a guide of what you need to do first and the next steps so you're not wandering around like a chicken without a head. So we've addressed this on the member site. And if you have any questions along that process, you can just head to the members forum or email the site owners Kyle or Carson and they will answer any question you'll have. This is all free as a member of Wealthy Affiliate.
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- Can I pay you after I make money?
Unfortunately no you can't. Kyle and Carson (the owners of Wealthy Affiliate) have spent a lot of time, money and effort in creating the Wealthy Affiliate membership site. It would be unfair to them and other members who have paid to provide access to the tools, information, personalized help without being compensated up front for their work. We understand that money is tight so we encourage you to save so you can pay for the membership at a later date. We're not going anywhere and will be here when you're ready to get started. We feel confident that our membership site will help you make money at home once you're a member and make use of the easy to follow training.
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- If a work at home career as an internet/affiliate marketer is so easy, why isn't everyone doing it?
That's a great question and one I ask myself all the time. Well one of the biggest reasons is that most people don't even know the opportunity exists or understand it. For years I had no clue what internet marketing was and how to get started with it. I really just stumbled on it by accident. Another reason is that most people are either overwhelmed or turned off by the idea of internet marketing. They confuse it with get rich schemes, MLMs or home based business opportunities where you're selling overpriced health products to your family, friends and strangers that don't need or want them! But internet marketing when done properly as trained by Wealthy Affiliate is nothing like that. Wealthy Affiliate members get paid to help people find products, services and information they're requesting. Internet marketing is not about being a pushy car salesman trying to sell you a BMW when all you really need is a bicycle.
Another reason why many people aren't doing internet marketing is that it can be very difficult if you don't have personalized support. When I first started my work at home career as an internet/affiliate marketer in the 90's, I had no where to turn to for the help that Kyle and Carson offer at Wealthy Affiliate. I had to scour the web for the training information that was scattered all over the place. This was extremely difficult because there was no Google at the time. But even when I was able to find the information it was complicated to understand unlike the straight forward material that Wealthy Affiliate offers. Most people weren't willing to help each other learn about internet marketing. Successful Internet Marketers weren't sharing their techniques and training with others because they wanted to keep all the money they were making to themselves. Whereas you have people like Kyle, Carson and other members sharing all their techniques with you because they know sharing information helps everyone make more money by learning from each other.
And finally the biggest reason that most people aren't doing internet marketing is because of money. Everyone is under the impression that you need thousands of dollars to get started. But that's far from the truth. Wealthy Affiliate members are taught various free ways of making money with internet marketing as part of their membership. Although membership in Wealthy Affiliate cost about $1 per day, that's far more affordable than going to college to get a degree to make decent money or hiring a consultant to teach you how to make money online.
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- Once I've been trained can I work for Wealthy Affiliate & Where will I find other companies to work with?
Yes, we offer an affiliate program for wealthy affiliate that you can join for free. So you'll be able to make money referring others looking to work at home to our site and get paid if they become members. They'll learn to be a successful internet marketer like you! Furthermore, as part of your Wealthy Affiliate membership we provide you a list of other affiliate companies in the member area that are looking to work with internet marketers. Of course there will be no fees to join these companies and they provide you with a free website as well. So you'll have many companies to work with upon the completion of your training. And if by chance you need to make some money while getting your internet marketing career off the ground, We also have a jobs section in the members area where you can find traditional work at home jobs.
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How To Get Started!
Visit the company page and read through the information. Kyle and Carson will give you additional information about the organization and what you'll be expected to do. If you're still serious about this opportunity after reading through the information, then enroll and get started on your training. After you've completed your training you can start working with Wealthy Affiliate immediately!
Good luck.
Click Here To Get Started Now!
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