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Our Humble Beginnings
Work at Home Careers was originally launched in 1999 by Eddy Salomon, as Scorpion Information Brokerage. The company later became known as Work at Home in 2000, and is the only real work at home job search engine currently on the Web. To provide free and legitimate work at home job leads via our job search page, our website is heavily supported by sponsored ads that are not associated with our company. You can learn how to use our site effectively by visiting the site help page.
My motivation for founding Work at Home stems from falling victim to several work from home scams myself in the past. You can read more about this, what work at home jobs I've tried and how I finally managed to escape the rat race at our blog We don't just talk the talk we actually walk the walk. All my past experiences eventually led me to the creation of which has a quality-assuring reporting system built into invidiual job listings to weed out scammers and warn home workers about employers with bad reputations. As a result is often-cited for materials on avoiding work at home job scams and finding legitimate opportunities.
Our site currently boasts over 20,000 subscribers to our email alerts for work at home job listings and nearly 100,000 unique visitors per month. Many of which who have found work at home jobs, avoided scams and more importantly have become very well educated work at home seekers that have learned that there is more to work at home than just typing and data entry.
Bio | Past Press/Mentions | Media Contact
Past Press / Mentions
Here you can find an archive of all press mentions or other coverage of has selected as one of 2009 top 100 niche job sites for home jobs.
ABC News referenced in their "Some Turning to Work at Home" story as a source that offers work at home job listings and resources.
featured as a resource to help mothers avoid
scams! We were also featured in their "Help
for Moms Who Want to Work at Home" article,
in which we were listed as a Web site that caters to the working-at-home set
with chats, advice, sample business plans, home-business ideas, and free
computer "shareware".
featured as a resource
to provide employment opportunities and learn about work at home scams.
The Star interviewed for their article: "Is Working From Home For You?"
Work at Home Career Opportunities Expected to Increase in 2007
to our podcast.
featured as a resource to help
IT workers start their work at home career. was chosen as the sole work at homeresource for a
"Road to finding a profitable work-at-home job filled with potholes"
article. was featured in the work at home links section.
was 1 of 3 websites featured as a Work From Home Employment Opportunities
resource. featured our scam prevention article: "Can You Make Money Through the Mail? Mail Order Scams"
our articles "How To Work At Home As An Ad
Poster", No Fee Work At Home Jobs And The Easy Way To Find
Them, Scam Free Work At Home Jobs-The Shocking Truth, Work At Home Scams Are Dead, How To Work At Home With No Investment Today in the directory.
featured as a resource for
various work at home possibilities and help in avoiding scams.
Bio | Past Press/Mentions | Media Contact
If you’re a member of the media, affiliate network, advertiser and have questions about, please direct your inquiries to:
Eddy Salomon
(914) 619-5300
Questions about work at home jobs should be directed to info (at) ,
and not via our business line as they will not be answered.