Don't Buy Any Data Entry, Typing Or Rebate Processing Products, "Jobs", Systems, Period!
Have you been struggling to find a legitimate data entry or typing job? Are you seriously considering paying money to one of those so called data entry or typing
information kits that claim that they have hundreds of companies looking to hire you to type ads. I understand the desperation and frustration you're feeling. Well hold on, before you do anything rash, hear me out!
These sites are flat out misleading you. I don't care how good the offer seems. They're all the same!
There, I said it. I am about to reveal the backdoor secrets of what's really going on with these typing, data entry and rebate processing websites. I'm a major player in the work at home industry and have over 10 years experience.
I've been so successful they put me on the cover of aol for a story on work at home. So with that said, I'm privy to a lot of these work at home products and so called
systems. I'm probably going to make some enemies with these sites for revealing all their dirty business, but I'm tired of seeing people being mislead. Too many of my friends and loyal subscribers have been duped
by these ads so I'm just going to let the cat out the bag.
Here's How It Really Works!
In a nutshell all these sites are basically teaching you about affiliate marketing. And yes you can make money with affiliate/internet marketing. But don't jump to any negative conclusions
about affiliate marketing quite yet. Affiliate/Internet marketing is not forcing your friends to buy over priced tooth paste or detergent.
It's not lying to people and trying to convince them to buy things they don't need. It's not hunting down every person you can think of
to force them to join your home based business opportunity. Flat out, it's not any of those things. Although there is a common misconception that it is.
Affiliate/Internet marketing when done properly & taught by the right people, is the process of helping people find what they want. Let me give you an example.
Let's say you're visiting your favorite message board or a myspace page and someone is asking for a legitimate and free survey company. An affiliate might
type a comment like this.
"Well for a while I thought all paid surveys were a scam because all these stupid companies are charging for a list of them.
But I happen to stumble on a legitimate site known as MySurvey. I thought there would be some fees but to my surprise there weren't.
Soon after signing up to work with them, I started receiving paid surveys like they promised and I was making money. It's not a lot but it's adding up.
So if you would like to get paid for your opinions on stuff then visit Don't waste your money paying for those survey list.
I hope that helps.
Believe it or not that was an example of affiliate marketing. Nothing like you thought, right? The person was typing real advice but they're probably working for
as an affiliate. gave this person their own website for free and agreed to pay them a certain amount just for referring people
to their survey site to sign up and take surveys. The affiliate can then login to their affiliate account to see how much they have made, when they get paid, etc.
But the point is that the affiliate who typed the comment, will get paid if someone reading that message decides to visit their mysurey website and become a survey taker. And the beauty of it
is no fees were involved for anyone! That's right that affiliate is getting paid just for helping someone find a legitimate work at home opportunity! No money involved
for anyone! How cool is that?
By the way, Nearly every company you will work for as an affiliate/internet marketer will provide you with your own free website. So no you don't need to have any technical skills whatsoever. They set up and maintain
everything for you! You won't be expected to get a PHD in any nerdy programming language. The only technical skill you need to have is the ability to log into your affiliate account,
copy your affiliate website address and then paste it in an email, post, article, document, or wherever you're going to provide people assistance via your affiliate website like the example I shared above.
Like me, I'm sure you've always assumed someone needed to buy something for you to make money as an affiliate. Well you were very wrong and have
probably missed out on thousands of dollars you could've made by having a career as a work at home affiliate.
Here's something else you're probably not aware of. There are literally thousands of companies that would hire you right now to be an affiliate for
them! We're not just talking about survey companies here. Nearly every industry and company has an affiliate program. So no matter what your interest
are, there is a company willing to pay you to refer people to their website typing about your interest or experience. Don't worry about where to find them,
we'll get to that a little later.
In the example above when the person typed in their response, all they were doing was sharing their experience and adding an affiliate website to the mix.
How many times have you emailed someone or visited a message board and shared your experience? Probably thousands. But unfortunately you were
doing it for free when you could have made money to do it! Don't beat up on yourself too bad. At least now you know better.
And just keep in mind these companies don't ask you to pay money to work for them because obviously you're making them money be referring contacts, newsletter
subscribers or customers (That's if you choose to focus on sales but you don't have to!) So why would a company charge you to help them? These companies want you to succeed because they
make money through the referrals not through some bogus fee charged to hard working work at home seekers like yourself. So that's why they provide you with your own free website and ads to use to contact people.
So in the example above, the person just typed in their affiliate website address in their normal response. They didn't even use the ad that the company probably provided them.
How hard is it to do that.
Well Show me the money! The money you can earn just for referring people that don't need to buy anything can be anywhere from $.50 to $100 per person depending on the company
you choose to work with! So again you don't need to make sales to have a successful work at home career as an affiliate marketer.
Companies are always looking for new customers, contacts or newsletter subscribers and they're willing to hire you right now to help them get these customers, contacts or newsletter
subscribers. So unlike a regular work at home job you won't need to spend hours hoping to hear back from an employer and praying to be hired.
Affiliates can start right now! Let's just put it this way, Affiliate/Internet marketing is the sole reason I was able to quit my corporate career of 7 years earning $90,000 to work at home full time, raising my new baby
girl. Do you think I would actually risk putting my family on the streets if affiliate/internet marketing wasn't a great, stable work at home career? I don't think I need to say more about
the income here.
So where does the typing and data entry come in?
Well like I said, the companies provide you with ads you can use. You would then type these ads and place them on free websites like craigslist, etc.
Or you can type articles about situations that your affiliate company helps resolve and then submit them to free article directories. blogs, etc. Don't worry
if you're confused or think this part is hard. It's really not, when you have someone that walks you through every step and provides you with all the resources.
The so called data entry and typing websites claim to do this. But can you really trust them to do this if they're already misleading you and not being honest about what you'll be doing?
That's why I don't recommend paying them a dime! It's definitely worth investing in learning about affiliate/internet marketing but you want to do it with people
that are actually honest with you. Why give your money to someone that has already tried to trick you? Trix are for kids. How else will these companies mislead you?
Do you really want to take that type of risk with your hard earned money? It was hard enough to come up with. But then to give up that money to a company that has willingly started their relationship with you
based on white lies is a recipe for disaster. But that's just my two cents.
When I first learned about affiliate/internet marketing I literally had to hunt down companies to work for and go through a lot of other trial and error before I was finally able to quit my job.
Doing it by myself took me over a decade to get it right. But it was because I had no one to hold my hand. I had no one to email when I had a problem. But you lucky dog,
you're not going to have to suffer that pain. I guess you can say, I went through that so hopefully you wouldn't have to.
Now a days you have honest companies like Wealthy Affiliate that willl personally mentor you on everything you need to know about having a successful career as a work at home affiliate/internet marketer.
Nothing is left for you to figure out. You're probably asking yourself the followng:
Where would I find these free affiliate companies to hire me? Wealthy Affiiate provides
them to you.
Where would I place the ads that I would type? Wealthy Affiiate provides them to you!
Would I have to pay to place these ads? Nope, Wealthy Affiiate shows you the various free ways and sites you can place your ad!
But what happens if I have other questions and concerns during my career as an affiliate? Who can I call or turn to? Unlike those data entry and typing sites that just take your money
and leave you on your own. has a forum where you can post questions to and get answers right away. Or you
can personally email the site owners Kyle and Carson and guess what? They'll actually email you back! Most sites won't do that! So you're never alone.
Now when you visit the Wealthy Affiiate website you're not going to read anything about data entry or typing. Sorry, they're not going to try to mislead
you by using sexy words like data entry or typing. Now with that said we already know that affiliate/internet marketing does involve some of that in a nontraditional way.
So if it makes you feel better about the opportunity then knock yourself out and think of affiliate/internet marketing as getting paid to type ads, responses, emails
to help people find what they want or need.
But seriously don't let Wealthy Affiliate's honesty turn you off to investing in the site and your new career as an affiliate/internet marketer. If you were willing to pay any of
those misleading data entry, typing or rebate processing sites, then you should have no problem investing about $1 per day ($39.99 per month) on a membership with where you will be personally mentored on similar free techniques
but with more details, resources and with the help of live people not just some stupid download or support desk.
Furthermore they will provide you with all the tools, support and training material with your membership. So you're getting a lot more than what
you're actually paying for.
So if you're sick of trying to find legitimate work at home options in a sea of scam or are tired of being ignored by employers and are serious
about making a living online instead of a few bucks, then is a must! Don't you dare invest your money in those so called
data entry, typing or rebate processing jobs that are lying to you! But if you decide not to join Wealthy Affiliate, please let us know why by clicking here and you may win $50!
Again, Affiliate/Internet marketing is the sole reason I was able to quit my corporate career of 7 years earning $90,000 to work at home full time, raising my new baby
girl. So that should tell you the type of money you can expect in the future with the proper training. It won't happen over night but think about the years
or months you've wasted searching for a work at home job. If you were already a member of wealthy affiliate for the same time frame, you would have probably already been
supporting your family and working at home. So you have two choices, you can continue to do what you're doing and getting more of what you've been getting
or you can do the most important thing in your life and invest in your work at home career. It's only about $1 per day ($39.99 per month) and can be cancelled at any time if you feel Kyle and Carson's personal mentoring isn't helping you.
Either way you have to look at yourself in the mirror and into your children's eyes and live with that decision. If you decide against joining Wealthy Affiliate, please take a minute to tell us why and you may win $50, by clicking here!